Species Physiology

Andorians have blue blood, blue skin with bilateral antennae that reflect their emotional state, and characteristically white hair. Antennae vary in placement, from protruding from the forehead or from the crown of the skull, and are capable of movement, used for gesturing and balancing. If cut off, an antenna will grow back after nine months, though the time can be reduced by half with electrical stimulation and brisk cranial massage. Andorians are self-described as a violent and warlike species, although they do have great affinity for family. Since Andorian physiology makes intravenous injection impossible, physicians administered medication through intramuscular injection instead.
Andoria features a predominantly icy environment with a thin, ozone-rich atmosphere. Andorians have evolved to live in cooler conditions but are capable of living in a wide range of climates. One adaptation the species features is a redundant circulatory system which allows them to survive comfortably in their planet's cold environmental conditions.
In further comparison with Humans, as the de facto baseline, Andorians tend to have a higher cartilage-to-bone ratio in their skeletal structure, instances of a chitin-like cartilage-bone fusion combining the former's resiliency with the latter's toughness, and internal ridges of this quasi-chitin which serve to compartmentalize organs from gross physical trauma. Andorians -- as well as lower ghelnoids from their homeworld -- also feature a redundant circulatory system which allows blood to seep osmotically through tissues as well as through the usual travel through venous structures. Because of the unusual physiology of the Andorians, intravenous injection is impossible; instead a doctor must opt for inter-muscular injection. All of these things make them more resistant to pain, injury, and fatigue than a human -- Andorians take impact differently, and the more efficient blood flow means they rarely get sore or stiff from over-exertion; an Andorian never suffers the indignity of having his leg 'fall asleep', for instance, due to cramped posture, nor do they get frostbite from poor circulation in cold weather.
On the other hand, the unusual nature of their circulatory system also makes it easier for some drugs to travel through their body -- Andorians, when they drink heavily, get drunk quickly, and entire cottage industries exist in some Orion Syndicate-controlled systems brewing poisons and drugs that work best on Andorians. Because their bones have the tensile properties of cartilage, as well, these bones break messily when they do break (which requires about two to three times the force necessary to break human bone); any injury which breaks an Andorian's bones will require a great deal of healing time, and cause enough pain that even the Andorian nervous system cannot compensate for all of it. The heavy cobalt base to an Andorian's blood and tissue make them most compatible, on a cellular level, with Bolians -- Bolian blood and tissue can be given to an Andorian with little effort, and vice versa, whereas both species blood would be incompatible with a Vulcan's, for instance, and require great effort to make compatible with a Human's.
Andorian cellular physiology is based as much on cobalt as iron, giving them a skin-tint in the blue portion of the spectrum, ranging from cerulean to a blushing purple, while their hair tends towards white, ranging from silvery to platinum.
A sub-species of Andorians known as the Aenar have white skin, unlike the blue Andorians, and the Aenar are also blind and telepathic. Andorians and Aenar are genetically compatible and can produce offspring.
Andorians have a higher metabolism than Humans. They are very susceptible to high temperatures; an Andorian can lose 10% of its body weight in as little as two days in climates approaching the boiling point of water. This aspect of their metabolism leaves them especially vulnerable to phase pistol fire; even minor phase injuries can prove fatal. The Andorian body has a limited exoskeleton, as well as other insectoid-like characteristics.
The average body temperature of an Andorian is 102°F, with a pulse rate of 110, and respiration rate of 28.
The average life expectancy for a male Andorian iss 129 years, while the average for a female is 134.
The spectacular coloration of Andorians is the result of a proteinous dye, HZB-41, analogous to melanin in humans, which is produced by nearly all Andorian animal life. The dye-cells have a comparatively short life span and must be produced constantly from protein sources in the diet. One of the most common symptoms of serious illness is insufficient dye production and a corresponding loss of skin color. In the folklore, ghosts and walking-dead and other supernatural visitants are always described as "ghastly pale". This perhaps explains one of the early difficulties in contact between the Andorian Empire and Humans.
Andorians are true bluebloods: their blood displays nonviscous, translucent qualities, and abrasions are dark blue. Andorian tongues and gums alternate from dark blue to pink. Andorian females are generally taller than Andorian males.
Andorians have two antennae rising from the brow, near the hairline, five-to-eight-inch-long fluid-filled sensory stalks which are as much mentioned about them in jokes and colloquialisms as their skin tone and which extend their perceptions for sounds and vibrations further and deeper than a human being's. Antennae vary in placement, from protruding from the forehead or from the crown of the skull, and are capable of movement, used for gesturing and balancing. Some Andorians can recognize familiar footfalls and heartbeats close-up, but this is a skill which takes as much practice as a human recognizing a good friend by his after-shave. An Andorian is partially disabled and unable to fight immediately following the loss of an antenna, but is able to compensate within a day or so. The antenna itself can take up to nine months to regrow on its own, although the regeneration can be completed in around half that time with electrical stimulation and cranial massage therapy. The loss of an antenna is a humiliating experience for an Andorian to come to terms with.
The antennae also express emotion, far more than the facial muscles, and are the prime indicators of Andorian body language. They express polite interest by curving toward the object of attention, fear or excitement by standing rigid and quivering, weariness or depression by drooping, confusion or upset by wringing and lashing, sexual arousal by slow writhing, intoxication by wobbling unsteadily in different directions, and rage by pressing back against the skull. It is not known if these reactions are a voluntary or involuntary response.
Andorians have at least four anatomical variations regarding the placement of their antennae. Some have antennae sprouting from the frontal bone of their skull. This formation is called "Jini". Shras and his delegation had antennae which sprouted from their parietal bone. This formation is known as "Swooth". Other Andorians have antennae that are thinner, while still others have have some that are much longer.
Andorians can obtain a great deal of sensory information through continually waving their antennae. They can detect electrical fields, changes in air density and temperature, and sub-sonic sounds. They sense fluctuations in gravity, useful for beings living underground on a geologically unstable world. Because of this, extreme gravity disturbances can cause pain or unconsciousness. When an Andorian concentrates, they can even use their antennae to single out bioelectric signals nearby.
However, the antennae are not particularly reliable sensory organs as the antennae can move differently depending on the emotion state of the Andorian, and the levels of epinephrine or teptaline in their system. Even detecting overheating equipment can cause false senses. It can be deduced that like other sensory organs, some Andorians antennae are more sensitive than that of other Andorians.
It is also thought that the Andorian antennae contain telepathic sensors which play a part in the reproductive cycle, much like pheromones in humans. Andorians "kiss" by touching the tips of their antennae together.
Andorian vision can be described as quadroscopic, as they have four individual light-receptive organs, two eyes and two antennae, which give them superior depth perception compared to many species.
The uninvited touching of the antennae is considered an unpardonable rudeness, and the threat of injury to antennae is legitimate grounds for assault and murder - as occasional, unfortunate incidents have shown.
Because they are thought to be telepathic organs and related to the reproductive process, the antennae are also considered proper sites for valuable jewelry, particularly gifts from friends, lovers and mates. The Andorian version of the wedding ring is worn on the left antenna rather than on a finger. To give an Andorian antenna-rings or antenna-bells is to make a gesture of great friendship, if not of courtship.
Diseases from Andorians include Andorian shingles.
Chocolate is poisonous for Andorians
Andorians were a militaristic race, exemplified in small part by weaponry without stun settings. They considered it an honor to serve in their Imperial Guard, and military rank greatly influenced social reputation. Deploring dishonesty – and never fighting without reason – Andorians were nonetheless capable of duplicity. The Andorians were suspicious and volatile. They considered themselves deeply emotional, passionate, even violent; not known for their charity or sympathy, they placed a high value on family.
Andorians are known for the Andorian anger and it is well deserved. An Andorian in a rage can fight 2 trained Klingon warriors and still stand a chance at winning. Some cases even 3 Klingons. However, Andorians are also known for their art. Some of the best artists in the Federation are Andorian and the Andorian Academy of Art is widely accepted as one of the best art schools in the Federation. Andorians are not a peaceful race, preferring to live life to the fullest. A lot of Andorians are also pranksters, loving to make jokes and have fun. War is only part of life and there must be a balance. Andorians deplore dishonesty but nevertheless are capable of duplicity. Andorian women have always been thought of as being capable of anything an Andorian male can do.
A crucial part of Andorian tradition was the Ushaan, a code of honor demanding a duel to the death, with combatants pitted against one another using an ushaan-tor ice miner's tool. A vast body of regulations – up to twelve thousand amendments – bound this code. Such a fight could be called off if one combatant disabled the other enough to prevent its continuance. Though Ushaan could be called by someone to avenge a personal loss, there existed a right of substitution wherein each combatant could offer up a replacement, and married combatants could postpone duels indefinitely if they had no children to continue their clans.
Members of the Andorian Imperial Guard who died far from home could count on their companions to transport a part of them, for example some of their blood, back to the Andorian ices. As a special honor, the blood of a dead person could be taken to the Wall of Heroes on Andoria.
Females enjoyed an equal position in Andorian society, and as soldiers, were as capable as males. Also, they could initiate an intimate relationship by assaulting a male. Andorian weddings required groups of four people, except under certain circumstances.
While it was not specifically stated, this might be an indication of polygamy.
Andorians were well known for their determination and endurance in physical combat. On Andoria, they were taught how to fight with an ushaan-tor when they were children.
Andorians made prodigious artists; Ezri Dax's mother, Yanas Tigan, bought hand-painted Andorian tiles for her solarium in 2375, and the Andorian Academy was widely considered the best art school in the Federation.
Like most species, Andorian society also harbored the idea of Heaven, a dream of a place from which creation sprang. According to Sybok, the word for it in the Andorian language was "unpronounceable."
The Ushaan was a crucial part of Andorian tradition, a code of honor demanding a duel to the death in which the combatants fought against each other with an ice miner's tool, the ushaan-tor, while tethered to each other. An enormous body of rules and regulations existed around this code of honor, summing up to 12,000 amendments.
The Ushaan could be demanded by someone as a means of personal vengeance, for example to avenge a personal loss. However, there existed a right of substitution, allowing each combatant to put up a replacement for themselves. Furthermore a married combatant could postpone a duel indefinitely, if there were no children to continue their clan. Additionally, the fight may be called off, if one combatant disabled the other in such a way that they could not continue the duel.
Andorians believe in a deity called Uzaveh the Infinite.
The Andorian language, called Andorii, is quite difficult to learn without a universal translator. The written language consists of curved horizontal lines and circles on a vertical line.
· Andorian Ale
· Andorian tuber root
· Andorian redbat
· Andorian boiler
· Andorian cabbage soup
Science and Technology
Warp Capable, part of the Federation and Starfleet. Andorians are some of the best terraformers and warriors in the Federation. Andorian silk and Andorian jewelry are highly prized, among other areas of art such as paintings and sculpted chests called Andorian chests.
In the past, before the Federation, the Andorian Imperial Guard was a force to be reckoned with. Now, Andorians are part of Starfleet and their planetary police, called Guardsmen, are among the best in the Federation. Andorian women are very common in the Guardsmen and in Starfleet. In the days of the Andorian Imperial Guard, women made up 40% of the personnel and were thought of as being just as capable as the men.
Family units
Andorians are unique in that they marry in groups of four called bondgroups however the relationships involved can vary from bondgroup to bondgroup. Some bondgroups are bisexual and freely have intercourse with each other while other bondgroups choose to be a husband or wife to one other person within the bondgroup and the other couple stand as guardians, protecting the couple that is mating. This practice dates back to the time when Andorians made war on each other. However, some Andorians choose to marry only one other person.
Clans are a large part of Andorian culture. A woman from the clan Selos will have the clan name of zh'Selos whilst a man will have the clan name th'Selos.
Originating from an icy moon, Andorians were in contact with a race in the distant past known as Aenar (pronounced EE-nar). Sometime before the 2100s, they lost contact. The first ice cutter to circumnavigate the Andorian homeworld was called Kumari, a name that would be carried on to future Andorian vessels.
Contact with Vulcan came during the early 20th century. According to the Vulcans, their First Contact with Andorians "seemed promising," "despite their heightened emotions." However, the Vulcans soon came to see them as duplicitous, wishing to only honor "agreements that didn't conflict with their interests." A border dispute, dating back to the 1950s and lasting two hundred years, began between the two powers, due to their neighboring home systems and the Vulcans' suspicion towards the territorial and militaristic nature of the Andorians. The Andorians felt that the only thing that kept Vulcan from invading Andoria was "the threat of massive retaliation." In the 2050s, the Andorians terraformed a class D planetoid which they named Weytahn, lying at a strategic position on the frontier between the Andorian and the Vulcan systems. When Andoria refused to allow the Vulcan High Command to inspect the colony in order to search for possible threats in the form of military installations, the Vulcans forcibly evacuated the planetoid. In 2097, a treaty was signed, in which the Vulcans officially claimed Weytahn, which they named Paan Mokar, and a surveillance satellite was placed in orbit of the planetoid in order to enforce the accord.
Around 2104, the Andorians discovered the Aenar, a subspecies long considered a myth in Andorian society, living in underground habitats in the Northern Wastes of Andoria. Since then, they have maintained diplomatic contact with the Andorian government.
Some time before 2154, Andoria was also in conflict with Tellar, and the Tellarites had to drive Andorians back out of their territory by force. In order to guarantee the safe "observation" of their "aggressive" Andorian neighbor, the Vulcan High Command maintained a highly sophisticated surveillance station beneath the monastery of P'Jem, close to Andoria. Using the disguise of an ancient Vulcan monastery, the facility was able to spy on the Andorian population while staying unnoticed. In 2151, Shran, a commander in the Andorian Imperial Guard, unveiled the secret of P'Jem with the help of the crew of the United Earth starship Enterprise NX-01, thereby starting Human-Andorian relations and dealing a crippling blow to Vulcan prestige. After the Andorians destroyed the monastery later that year, however, the High Command began blaming Starfleet and Subcommander T'Pol, who was serving aboard Enterprise, for the loss of P'Jem, which would not only result in T'Pol's mother being expelled from the Vulcan Science Academy but also in an impairment of the Human-Vulcan relations. Another hot spot in the cold war between Vulcan and Andoria was Coridan, a class M planet rich in dilithium ore. In the 2150s, Coridan suffered from a civil war, in which rebels, backed by the Andorian Imperial Guard, tried to overthrow the chancellor and her corrupt government, who was in turn supported by the Vulcan High Command, since Vulcan tried to maintain its trade partnership with Coridan, a lucrative source for dilithium.
In 2152, a new open conflict arose on Weytahn, which was reclaimed by the Andorian Empire after being deserted for nearly sixty years. With the conflict about to escalate, Shran, who was leading the Andorian invasion forces on the planetoid, requested Captain Jonathan Archer of the Enterprise as a trustworthy mediator in order to negotiate a cease fire, which was finally accomplished and both sides resumed their negotiations.
Upon hearing of the Xindi attack on Earth in 2153, the Imperial Guard sent the Kumari under Cmdr. Shran into the Delphic Expanse to locate the Enterprise. When it was discovered that Enterprise was tracking a Xindi prototype weapon, the Guard wished to procure the technology to aid in their conflict with the Vulcans. In justifying their actions, they declared that, "with a weapon of this magnitude at our disposal, they wouldn't dare attack us." However, the prototype was destroyed, forcing the Andorians to go home empty-handed. Before, however, Shran secretly relayed all technical and tactical sensor readings his ship had taken from the weapon to Enterprise; this information would prove to be of enormous use in preventing a second Xindi attack on Earth. Three months later, Shran and the Kumari openly sided with Earth, following the trail of the Xindi superweapon. The Kumari engaged a Xindi warship, providing a critical diversion to allow Enterprise and her crew to destroy the weapon.
Unknown to the Andorians at the time, the Vulcans had intercepted the data and telemetry that had been sent to Andoria on the prototype. Footage of the Xindi's test of the prototype was later manipulated and used by Administrator V'Las in convincing the Vulcan High Command that the Andorians were planning to use the prototype to augment their fleet and to create a weapon of mass destruction to use against Vulcan. In 2154, V'Las, who actually stood under the influence of a Romulan operative, ordered a preemptive strike invasion of Andoria and lured the bulk of the Andorian fleet near Paan Mokar/Weytahn by creating false warp signatures in its vicinity, while the Vulcans secretly amassed a fleet of twelve Vulcan cruisers near Regulus, a star outside the range of Andorian listening posts. Despite Enterprise and Vulcan Ambassador Soval warning Commander Shran of the incursion, the Andorians were only able to gather six warships at the outskirts of the Andorian system to face the Vulcan fleet, with Enterprise joining them in hopes of preventing war. After the two fleets clashed and the Battle of Andoria commenced, Vulcan Minister Kuvak urged V'Las to halt the attack, as even though they were currently winning the battle, they had completely lost the element of surprise and were now facing heavy casualties for both sides in a protracted conflict. Soon after he went on to protest that none of the Andorian vessels were outfitted with the Xindi weaponry that V'Las had used as justification for the preemptive strike, Kuvak managed to stun V'Las and immediately ordered the fleet to withdraw, ending the battle.
After the Vulcan Reformation, the Vulcan High Command was dissolved and the new government entered into a less hostile stance with Andoria, ending years of cold war and military tension. Never again did the Vulcans stoop to such a level as using the P'Jem monastery to hide a sensor array for spying on Andoria.
In November 2154, Andorian diplomats planned to meet a Tellarite delegation led by Ambassador Gral on the planetoid Babel. The purpose of the conference was to resolve a long standing trade dispute between both factions. Although the original agenda covered only trade regulations for the sector, the diplomatic situation of the Andorians should change decisively. By late 2154, the Romulan Star Empire had become aware of the threat posed by a closer partnership between Andoria, Earth, and its neighbors. The Star Empire's attempts to destabilize the region led to the Babel Crisis, during which a secret mission by the Romulans involved the use of two Romulan drone-ships. With these ships (able to camouflage themselves as various other vessels), the Star Empire tried to spread distrust and hostility among local powers around Andoria, Earth, Tellar, and Vulcan. By destroying the Andorian vessel Kumari under the guise of a Tellarite cruiser, thereby causing the cancellation of the Babel conference and nearly escalating an old conflict between the two races, the Romulans nearly succeeded with their plans. However, Captain Archer of the Enterprise was able to settle the dispute and allied the Andorians, Humans, Vulcans, and Tellarites to find and destroy the drone-ships, thereby altering the result of this Romulan mission to the exact opposite of what it was intended to achieve.
With the averted escalation of the Babel crisis, Andoria, Earth and many other worlds realized the value of their joint work and were growing close to founding a Coalition of Planets in 2155. Although this was initially opposed by a xenophobic isolationist group called Terra Prime, Archer was able to make a passionate speech to all members, saying that, as explorers, they should explore the galaxy together. The new Coalition of Planets became welded together in 2156, when the conflict with the Romulan Star Empire escalated into the Earth-Romulan War. A humiliating defeat of the Romulans by an alliance of Andorian, Vulcan, Earth, and Tellarite forces at the Battle of Cheron in 2160 effectively ended the war and led to the establishment of the Romulan Neutral Zone between the two power blocs.
By 2164, Commander Shran was promoted to the rank of general and appointed Jonathan Archer as an honorary member of the Andorian Imperial Guard. Five years later, in 2169, Archer then became Federation ambassador to Andoria.
As a key member of the Federation, Andorian Ambassador Shras represented Andoria at the Babel Conference in 2268, at which the planet supported the admission of Coridan as a new member of the Federation. Even by the 24th Century however, there were some Andorians who did not follow the majority in welcoming the Federation, and a number have become marked as fugitives by both the Federation and the Andorian local government after making raids and thefts against Federation and even Starfleet assets.
During the Dominion War, many Starfleet tacticians feared that Andoria was a potential high-value target for invasion after the fall of Betazed in 2374, and many felt that were such an attack to happen, the loss of a Founding World would cause irreparable harm to the morale of Federation citizens.